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Crystal Care

Crystals and gems are powerful in part because of the energy they have absorbed over time in the earth and through their interaction with other gems and other energy sources. Cosmic Lotus jewelry works through my knowledge of understanding how the different crystals will work together, through understanding how to select quality gems and crystals, and by preparing them properly while assembling my jewelry.

After you receive your jewelry, and as you wear and bond with it, your crystals will naturally absorb your energy. As you go through different events in your life, as you encounter different physical environments, or are in proximity to different people, you may feel the need to cleanse your jewelry.

The following are traditional cleansing methods that have been used through the ages that I personally recommend. First, you want to infuse your crystals with your own energy and intention. In a quiet place, when you have had time to prepare for what you are doing, hold your crystals in your hands and picture them being bathed in pure light. 

Not all crystals should be immersed in water, so do some research to make sure. I find that cleansing or recharging crystals during a full moon is the best; however you can always choose to smudge with palo santo, sage or lavender smoke or place on a bed of natural rock salt.

You can always recharge your crystals with a personal meditation that has a specific intention. Placing your crystals at the window under the moonlight or for a lightning or thunderstorm and asking that they be recharged will also be helpful. In general, remember that your crystal jewelry is sensitive – just like you are – and that you are building a relationship with it over time.